Sunday, December 4, 2016

Italy divided as voters take part in key constitutional referendum on parliamentary powers

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Italy divided as voters take part in key constitutional referendum on parliamentary powers .Italians are having their say on slashing the powers of their upper house of parliament in a referendum proposed by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. The fate of the Senate has caused heated debate, as Renzi has pledged to quit if the “No” camp wins.
Today, voters are deciding on whether to approve a constitutional amendment put forth by the Italian prime minister that would see a break in the tradition of so-called “perfect bicameralism,” which has prevailed in Italy for decades. Under the 1948 Constitution, the Italian parliament is made up of a Chamber of Deputies and a Senate. The institutions are equal in power, and all legislation must be adopted by both chambers to be passed, which has repeatedly caused political deadlock in Italy. The core of Renzi’s reform, first proposed two years ago, envisions cutting the Senate’s powers and reducing the number of its members from 315 to 100. Those remaining would be elected by regional assemblies, and not directly, as is currently the case.

If the referendum passes, most bills would only need approval from the Chamber of Deputies to become law, with the exception of passing constitutional reforms or ratifying EU treaties. During the referendum drive, the prime minister argued that these measures would spare Italy from political gridlock and aid economic growth. However, critics, including the opposition Five Star Movement led by Beppe Grillo, fear that, if passed, the amendment will destroy political balance and give the government too much power.

Renzi gambles on referendum

The referendum has become even more important for current Italian politics, since Renzi himself has pledged to step down if his opponents get the upper hand. “If the citizens vote no and want a decrepit system that does not work, I will not be the one to deal with other parties for a caretaker government,” Renzi said in an interview to the Rtl 102.5 radio, as quoted by Italian newspaper Repubblica. In that case, Italy may face a snap election amid a growing support for the Eurosceptic party of Grillo.

Renzi’s proposals have caused quite a divide in the Italian population, resulting in pro-and anti-government rallies taking place across the country. One of the largest protests against the reform, staged by the right-wing Liga Nord party, took place on November 11 in Florence, with some 12,000 people taking part. Similar rallies, some resulting in clashes with police have taken place in Rome, Palermo and other key cities.
However, Matteo Renzi has not been short of supporters either, with numerous demonstrations backing his measure, also hitting the streets in Italian towns and cities.
 I will vote yes, a convinced yes, because it is a great opportunity to speed up the political time,” a woman named Laura told RT’s Ruptly news agency in Florence. Her opinion was echoed by another person, saying that the constitutional amendment is a step toward a “better democracy.”

Supporters of the “No” camp, however, say that it is important “to keep the situation” as it is. Others say that by taking part in the referendum they want to get rid of Renzi.

“I am voting now, simply because it is a protest vote against the government of Renzi,” a man named Giovanni said.
According to Riccardo Nencini, a secretary for the Socialist party, if the “No” camp prevails, “there would be a period of political instability” in Italy.
“More influential thoughts should be needed to deal with Europe,” he told RT.
On the contrary, many Western media outlets have warned of what they see as the dire consequences of a ‘No’ vote, with many saying it could lead to the end of the Eurozone. The Independent went with the headline: “The Italian referendum result could be the beginning of the end for the Eurozone.”

The CNN echoed the mood, saying that Italy’s plebiscite is a “nightmare scenario” in the heart of Europe, which may led to the country exiting the EU. 

Matteo Renzi is known for his criticism of EU austerity policies, in particular those advocated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He has also urged the European Union to develop a closer dialogue with Russia and stood up against further sanctions on Moscow over its backing of the Syrian government’s operation against militants in Aleppo.